4 friends you must avoid if you want to be successful

Do you know?

Without real friends even a billionaire is poor.

In life, if you must succeed you definatly need friends. Your success in life depends upon the support and help of other people. No one makes it alone.

One of the problem we face in the society today is the scarcity of good friends. There are some friends you MUST avoid if you want to succeed in life.

4 friends you must avoid if you want to be successful

1. Negative thinkers

Avoid people who tell you it cannot be done. Watch their life you'll notice they don't move forward.

2. The gossip

If you have a friend who gossips about others to you, run from them! They also gossip about you to others.

3. The flatters

If you want to be successful avoid friends who constantly praise you. A person who doesn't tell you where you've gone wrong is not a friend.

4. The discontentend

Watch out for friends who complain alot, friends who are not contented with what they have. This set of friends are dangerous. They will do anything possible to get what they want even if it is selling you out.


Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dreams. Choose them wisly.

6 things successful people do but keep secret

Have you ever taken time to think about how others are succeeding in your line of business or career and you are not?

They seem to be attracting all the customers with ease while you are struggling to get one.

You don't understand how they do it.

How are they succeeding?

You work harder than them.

You are passionate about your business.

You have invested much money and time to the business.

Yet no result.

Maybe the "god of luck" is smiling on them?

(I don't think there is any "god of luck")


Maybe there is something they are secretly doing that you dont know of?

Yes there is! And today i will expose it to you.

6 things successful people do but keep secret

1. They have SMART Goals.

There is a huge difference between a goal and a SMART goal. A goal is a desired result a person plans achieve. For example: A 16-year-old boy's goal is to become world's richest man when he clocks 18.

A SMART goal is a Specific Measurable Attainsble Realistic Tangible result a person plans achieve. For example: A 23-year-old girl just gained admission into a university and she says her goal is to graduate from the university with first class, so she has started studying hard.

Do you see the difference? The 16-year-old boy has a goal but its unrealistic and unattainsble. How can he become world's richest man in 2 years. But see the 23-year-old girl, her goal is SMART! Ofcourse she sure will achieve it.

Successful people have Specific Measurable Attainsble Realistic Tangible goals. You too MUST have one if you want to succed.

2. They keep learning.

When i wanted to learn php programming i joined a webmaster forum where tutorials are posted for beginners. Every night i'll do a search on google for other sources where i can learn php. Few weeks later i had successfully thought myself php. I began to teach other new users and even people who we joined the forum at the same time.

Successful people are researchers. They understand that yesterday's solution may not solve today's problems so they keep learning.

3. They work smarter not harder.

I know you must be thinking smarter is a coded word for something. Actually its not!

Oftentimes we have to work harder and smarter, at least in the beginning. Hard work has never hurt anyone!

However don't spend a dollar's worth of time for ten cents worth of results.

In everything you do, ask yourself this question, "How can i do it better?"

4. They network and build solid relationships.

Your success in life depends on the number of people you can serve with your goods. This is one secret successful people know.

Most people think that all they need to succeed is talent and qualifications but thats not enough. You may have all the talent in this world but if you are rude, arrogant and insensitive to people, success will elude you.

5. They take risks.

"If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary."

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it is possible to go."

You can't keep doing the same thing and expect different result.

Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur took a risk and solved "the flying problem". Today they credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane.

Today you chat with people on Facebook but do you know, the founder, Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students took a risk when they quit school to focus on the site. Today Facebook is world's largest social networking site.

The list goes on and on. Successful people take risks. You have to get out of your comfort zone if you want to be successful. To succeed you have to risk failure.

6. They have people who inspire them.

Suprised huh?? Yeah! They do.

Successful people are normal humans like you and i. They also need people to pat them on their back. They have someone in their life, be it a friend, spouse or relative who encourages them to keep going.

They also spend time reading inspirational blogs, quotes and books.

If you want to be successful you need to find and connect to a source of inspiration. Why should you struggle to discover the secrets many people have already mastered and could make available to you if you just asked them to help?

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Now you know what successful people do and keep secret. But knowing it alone does not guarantee your success. Just like must christains pray after studying the bible: "Father make us the doer of your word and not the hearer alone". You should also follow suit. If you don't put this secrets you've known into practice you'll get no result. REMEMBER: It's what successful people do, not what successful people know.